Thursday, 13 January 2011

new pastel box

It was such a beautiful day today, warm and sunny with the low winter sun creating interesting shadows on the snow and crags of the Piedra Ventana mountain, as seen from the flat roof of my house.  The pochade box was a success, in that I can now do small "plein air" pastel paintings with this box sat comfortably on my knee and leave the easel at home. The 2 hours spent working on this pastel was just about right as the shadows were slowly disappearing. I hope to finish this painting tomorrow at the same time as the weather forecast is good.

Friday, 18 June 2010

La Ruina, Puerto Jubiley, La Alpujarra

Plein air pastel painting of a ruined farmhouse on the banks of the Guadalfeo river in the small hamlet of Puerto Jubiley.